- Main Gallery – 135 standing room capacity; 65-80 seated in rows of folding chairs with one small side table; 30-50 seated around tables
- Basement Classrooms and Studios – Space sizes vary.
We are FIRST a community-based exhibition space open to the public and provider or arts services for residents of and visitors to the greater Corvallis region. We make rentals available to support creating access to and engagement with the visual arts, and to encourage additional visits in the future. As such, rentals are typically not booked during our regular public hours (Tuesday-Saturday, 12-5 pm), or when we are open for other public community events.
- Rental rates for the Downstairs Dance/Classroom are contingent upon one-time or regular scheduled usage. Please fill out the form indicating preference for downstairs space and we will contact.
Rentals are subject to program schedule and staff availability. Please read Rental Terms of Agreement before filling out the rental form below.