No School Arts Day at the Corvallis Museum. Address: 411 SW 2nd Street, Corvallis, Oregon.

No School Arts Day

@ The Corvallis Museum

“Sketching History” Scavenger Hunt with art prizes

Friday, June 23rd

12-3 PM

FREE for Ages 7 and up

The Corvallis Arts Center hosts a No School Arts Day at the Corvallis Museum!

Mark your calendar and join us for the Corvallis Museum’s No School Arts Day and scavenger hunt. A fun and engaging activity that the whole family can enjoy, it’s sure to be a day filled with fun, learning, and adventure.

Whether you missed out on the previous scavenger events or you’re looking for a new adventure, this is the perfect opportunity. Complete the scavenger hunt, and win an art prize as you “sketch history.”

This event is perfect for kids and adults ages 7 and up. Admission is free for all scavenger hunt participants. Don’t miss out on this unique and exciting event – grab your friends and family and join in on the fun!

This exciting event has been made possible by our partners the Corvallis Museum and Benton County Historical Society.

For more information, please contact Carl Conner.

This No School Arts Day event is supported by the James S. and Cheryl L. Jordan Donor Advised Fund of the Benton Community Foundation.

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