
Make meaningful connections through your participation at The Arts Center. 

The Arts Center (TAC) is looking for outgoing and passionate volunteers to assist with all aspects of its operations. Volunteers share their love of art with visitors, the staff, and each other to support our mission and programming. Our volunteer opportunities include welcoming visitors to our ArtShop and Galleries, creating art with visitors during Arts Learning events, supporting all TAC operations, helping to fill our Galleries with exhibitions, and more! 

Volunteer Opportunities

  • Assist with arts activities
  • Welcome visitors to the ArtShop and our Galleries
  • Board of Directors (BOD)
  • BOD Executive Committees: External Operations, Internal Operations
  • Event Assistance (Annual Fundraiser and other events)
  • Exhibition Committee
  • Language translation support

Please fill out the application and indicate what type of volunteering you are interested in. We will then contact you to schedule an orientation.

The Arts Center encourages a diversity of area residents to apply, including people from traditionally or currently underserved communities. We welcome everyone regardless of citizenship status, color, familial status, gender identity or expression, religious observance, sex, sexual orientation, and sources or level of income.