Non-content related image Spring Arts Adventures

Looking for a fun, creative outlet for your kids and teens during Spring Break this March? Look no further, TAC’s Spring Arts Adventures offers classes all week long for Grades 4 – 12 in comic creation and film photography. Please use the registration buttons below. To apply for a scholarship please use the forms linked at the bottom of the page.

Dates & TimesInstructorClass Name & DescriptionClass Cost
9:00 am – 12:00 pmJen HernandezAdventures in Comics – Grades 4 – 8
Corvallis Museum Conference Room
411 SW 2nd St, Corvallis, OR 97333

Get ready to create your own comic characters, comic strips, zines, digital comics, and
stickers in this weeklong class. This class includes everything students need to make
their own comic stories with traditional and digital media. Students will practice character design,
comic story planning, and world-building to create original or fan comics. This camp is crafted
with social-emotional learning competencies and statewide arts standards integrated into
each activity for students who love to create stories, tell jokes, and craft characters.

Jen Hernandez is an artist and educator based in Corvallis, Oregon. Her artwork is inspired by
the natural environment, people, and stories of the Pacific Northwest, with special attention
to diversity in representation.
1:00 pm – 5:00 pmKoa TomIntro to Darkroom: The Art of Silver-Gelatin Photography – Grades 8 – 12
Location: Light Rider Studios
2150 NE Conifer Blvd, Corvallis, OR 97330

Perfect for both beginners and those with some experience, this course blends
creativity with technical skills and introduces students to the magic of analog photography.
This hands-on class offers a chance to explore the timeless art of black and white photography.
Over five lessons, students will dive into the world of silver-gelatin photography and
learn how to use a 35mm film camera to capture light and images. They will develop
and print their own B&W film, in the darkroom and how to convert their photos to digital
formats to share with others.

Led by experienced instructor Koa A. Tom, from Light Rider Studios.
They employ their art & science background to investigate the colorful
relationships between people and the rest of nature photographically.

Scholarships are Available!

Please fill out the form linked below and email it to

Forms can also be dropped off at The Arts Center during regular open hours.
Assistance and accommodations available: Tuesday-Saturday, 12-5 pm.

Please Contact Jennie Castle with any questions.

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